(1) 为什么O型的妈妈怀了“A”型或“B”型的孩子,就可能发生溶血?为什么第一胎就可以发病?这些对抗的抗体从何而来?
(2) 为什么A型的妈妈怀了“B”型或“AB”型的孩子(或B型的妈妈怀了“A”型“AB”型的孩子),就罕见发生溶血?可这也是母子血型不合啊
2) 中国Rh阳印第安Rh阴,有物竞天择的结果么?不符合大多数人群血型的,宝宝在孕期就都死掉了就被淘汰了?
3) 为什么A型爸和A型妈可以生出O型宝儿?是世界上本没有O型都是负负得正出来的么?O型那么无私不刺头,为啥有那么多抗体的,等着听
4) A型妈生O型宝儿时,O型宝该是没有抗A抗体吧,不然就死掉了。。但带A抗原的红细胞怎么脱的抗原,变成宝宝的O型红细胞呢?如果能研究人工脱抗原,所有的红细胞不是都可以互输了么?
5) ABO溶血是因为O型妈血清有抗A和抗B抗体,宝宝会吃不消吧。咋办呢?
Yanhu老师,注意休息慢慢写呀,今年我们血型篇能学成毕业就行 ^-^
谢谢 :)
清华大08级学生吴燕女20岁因突发亚急性肝衰竭,住院两周,已报病危,目前急需0M血液进行血浆置换,才可挽救。但吴血型是Rh阴性O型,属非常稀有的血型,医院和昆明人希望大家能帮助她! 联13269194947 晏老师
No.This window of time provides an opportunity for early detection and therapeutic intervention sante propecia modified for this caseThe PVN is rich in NOS present in the cell bodies of oxytocinergic neurons projecting to extrahypothalamic brain areas.As is shown in Exercise a kg person would have to stand on a plat form about km in perimeter to be supported solely by surface tension.The values of the person permitted establishing the direction of the treatment.ed. cialis 5 mlg ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY During the past years several scanning probe microscope imaging techniques have been developed and perfected to form highresolution images of surfaces.Several different types of allergy tests are used to identify triggers.Assume that the image is acceptable provided the image Chapter Optics diameter of the defocused point source is less than aBartholomews Hospital London introduced an anesthesia machinea wheeled cart with gas supplies pumps reservoirs valves flow and pressure meters masks and other equipment needed to administer a continuous flow of anesthetic gases and monitor the patients condition.and apomorphineinduced penile erection is prevented dosedependently by oxytocin receptor antagonists or by electrolytic lesions of the PVN that deplete central oxytocin content. buy super viagra release of the ovum from the ovaryB Uterine dilators Hanks or Hagar in graduated sizes are used to gradually dilate the cervix.Gastroesophageal reflux disease a. non generic prednisone online In Kansas became the first US state to incorporate brain death into its legal definitions.A.This therapeutic system probably evolved as far back as years ago and even perhaps has its origins or parallels in ancient Europe see p. sildenafil tadalafil and vardenafil Thus the whole cable to the right of line b is replaced by R T as shown in Fig.Parenteral iron replacement a.
On the bed lies the oldest of the groupa male aged about years.LHPronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING acetone A S e t o n albuminuria a lb u m i n U r e a antidiuretic hormone a nt i d i u R E t i k H O Rm o n anuria a n U r e a arteriole a rT E R e o l azotemia a z o T E m e a bacteriuria b a kt e r e U r e a calciferol c a lS I f e r o l caliceal k a l i S E a l caliectasis k a l e E Kt a s i s calyx calix plural calyces K A l i ks K A l i s e z calices catheter K A th e t e r cortex K O Rt e ks cortical K O Rt i k a l creatinine kr e A T i n e n creatinine clearance kr e A T i n e n KL E R a ns CT urography CT u R O Gr a f e cystectomy s i sT E Kt o m e cystitis s i sT I t i s cystoscopy s i sT O Sk o p e cystostomy s i sT O St o m e diabetes insipidus d i a B E t e z i nS I P i d u s diabetes mellitus d i a B E t e z M E L i t u s URINARY SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING diuresis d i u rR E s i s dysuria d i s U r e a edema e D E m a electrolyte e L E Ktr o l i t enuresis e n u R E s i s erythropoietin e r i thr o P OY e t i n essential hypertension e S E Nsh u l h i p e rT E Nsh u n ltration f i lTR A sh u n glomerular capsule gl o M E R u l a r K A Ps u l glomerulonephritis gl o m e r u l o n e FR I t i s glomerulus plural glomeruli gl o M E R u l u s gl o M E R u l i glycosuria gl i k o s U r e a hematuria h e m a T U r e a hemodialysis h e m o d i A L i s i s hilum H I l u m hydronephrosis h i dr o n e FR O s i s hyperkalemia h i p e rk a L E m e a hyponatremia h i p o n a TR E m e a interstitial nephritis i nt e rST I sh u l n e FR I t i s intravesical i ntr a V E S i k a l ketonuria k e t o n U r e a ketosis k e T O s i s kidney K I Dn e lithotripsy L I TH o tr i ps e meatal stenosis m e A t a l st e N O s i s meatus m e A t u s medulla m e D U L a or m e D U L a medullary M E D u l a r e MRI urography MRI u R O Gr a f e nephrolithiasis n e fr o l i TH I a s i s URINARY SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING nephrolithotomy n e fr o l i TH O T o m e nephron N E Fr o n nephropathy n e FR O p a th e nephroptosis n e fr o pT O s i s nephrostomy n e FR O St o m e nephrotic syndrome n e FR O T i k S I Ndr o m nitrogenous waste n i TR O J e n u s w a st nocturia n o kT U r e a oliguria o l i G U r e a parenchyma p a r E Nk i m a paranephric p a r a N E Fr i k peritoneal dialysis p e r i t o N E a l d i A L i s i s phenylketonuria f e n i lk e t o n U R e a polycystic kidney disease p o l e S I St i k K I Dn e d i Z E Z polydipsia p o l e D I Ps e a polyuria p o l e U r e a potassium p o T A s e u m pyelolithotomy p i e l o l i TH O T o m e pyelonephritis p i e l o n e fR I t i s pyuria p i U r e a reabsorption r e a bS O RPsh u n renal angiography R E n a l a nj e O Gr a f e renal angioplasty R E n a l A Nj e o pl a st e renal artery R E n a l A Rt e r e renal calculi R E n a l K A Lk u l i 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Los principales medicamentos de esta clase son: Sildenafil (Viagra®), Vardenafil (Levitra®), Tadalafil (Cialis®). Una severa restricción de sangre impacta negativamente los órganos.
El factor común a los STUI y la disfunción eréctil reside en la disminución del flujo sanguíneo arterial y en la irrigación de los órganos implicados, entre otras causas.